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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Unknown Mission Girdle

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I've never used a girdle before, and kind of wantto try one out, so I'm looking at buying a used Mission girdle off one of our members.

He bought it on clearance at hockeymonkey 2 years ago, and he says it has no model number or identifying characteristics. I'm posting a couple photos he sent me of it, as well as the shell that came with it, and am hoping someone can help to ID it, and possibly even let me know if it's any good!

Thanks for the help!




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Looks like my Mission Warp girdle.

While its pretty solid for roller hockey (in my experiences), I wouldn't dare use it for ice.

Not 100% sure on the model but the writing and shell along with the mesh looking outer makes it look like the Warp I have and use for roller.

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I am the one selling this girdle, and I'm not trying to force a sale or anything, but I'm about positive this is for ice. I got it off HM from the ICE hockey section. It has like plastic inserts in it that you cant see. Also there is an ice mission warp girdle that I found online, maybe mine is like this?


.. did some more searching and it seems it can be used for ice OR inline...


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MXI, I wasn't trying to ruin your sale or anything, I was just giving my take on the one I have.

I never knew there was an ice version as well. I stand corrected. I was just trying to give the OP some more information.

It really is a great girdle, if I could find a new ice one I'd buy it as I hate pants.

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That is the old Warp Ice Girdle...Anson Carter was still wearing it the last time I saw him the NHL...Definitely too much for roller...

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