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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Adviced on skates

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I only play inline hockey in the summer as that's the only time it's offfered where i live. Our league plays indoors and at the end of the season i usually go to NIHA nationals. I currently wear bauer 20-50's but they are getting kind of worn out. They still have good chasis but the bearings and wheels are crap. My options are to buy a new pair of skates,(I'm willing to spend about $250-$300), or two try and convert my old vapor XXX's into inline skates. Any advice on which option would be better would be appreciated. (I'm looking for a middle to high end skate and right now i have the vapor xxr lite in mind)

P.S. I'm not sure if i can buy off of hockey monkey as i live in Canada.

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As long as the XXXs aren't too thrashed, convert + new bearings/wheels. you can get top notch components and still save some money. Some shops may be hesitant to convert the XXXs (my usual LHS doesn't recommend it because of the outsole) but I have seen the setup done before.

That said, a friend of mine has the XXR lites, and they're a solid skate.

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I found out today that my cousin has an adress in the states that i can ship to so i'll likely get the xxr lites of hockeymonkey as well as some pro stock warrior dolomite shafts/blades.

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get something that fits. if you cant try on any of the skates i'd just convert the xxx's so you know that you'll have a good fit and also the xxx is alot better skate.

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Bauer inline is a little sketchy is it not? You might want to look at Mission or try the XXX's conversion.

The top of the line bauer inlines aren't quite on par with high end missions, tours, or even the more recent CCM/RBK offerings, but their "high" end doesn't come at a high price either. NBH doesn't really make a high end inline skate, and that's where they get a lot of criticism. As I previously posted, the XXRs seem to be a pretty solid skate from what I've seen, and are at a pretty good pricepoint.

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