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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Revision Axis Ghost

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Anyone got any experience with these? I've seen them at most of the online stores, they are listed at 74A hardness. Since they aren't available in other durometers, are they recommended for all size players?

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I think they will hold up. Also really depends on your skating style. For the money you should really just try a set. Single pour wheels are often stronger then dual pour wheels since there is no room for friction between two layers.

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I used a set awhile back on some skates I was experimenting with and they worked great. Not quite as good the Variants but still a great wheel for the price. They held up fine for me but I am only about 150 lbs.

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I also found some Revision Axis Silver wheels on EBay, anyone know anything? Are they in the same line as the ghost, or just an older model year? They are also 74a

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The Axis silver wheel is from 2005 product line, and the chemistries on the urethane are not as good a quality as the current lines. Over the course of the 4 year period that we have been selling our product to retailers, we have made signinficant improvements as we continue to strive to offer the best product. The wheel will hold up for your height and weight, and will grip really well, although not as well as the Variant. We also make this wheel in a very durable outdoor hardness for those of you who have skates for outdoor play.

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