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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NBH Vapor VIII OPS into a shaft?

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hey guys....

this might have been asked before, but i have a question i was hoping some of you could help me out with for this specific stick....

i have a Vapor VIII OPS that i want to convert into a shaft because i no longer use the curve that is on the stick....i don't want to throw it away or sell it because i really loved the stick before i decided to change curves....so i want to get use out of it

i have a few Vector 4.0 blades that i bought and know that this blade fits in standard shafts....

my question is if i convert the Vapor VIII, will it in effect become a tapered shaft, or would it fit traditional standard blades like my 4.0's?


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ok....so my bad on this because i just found the thread about cutting at the fuse point of the OPS....

so now my question becomes this.....

instead of cutting at the fuse point and flipping the newly created shaft around to fit the standard blade in the former butt end, how high would i have to cut above the blade so that i wouldn't have to flip the stick around?

thanks again for anyone who can help...it's greatly appreciated :)

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there is a thread about "cutting OPS" and I think its 5 pages or so, its gets real good on the 3rd and 4th page. Even has a mathimatical formula to know where to cut assuming constant wall thickness.

essestiall your OPS will become a tapered shaft which is 14mm X 26mm, it will ruin the kickpoint if you flip it to become standard. So your only hope for you to fit the Vector 4.0 standard blades would be to sand the tenon down so they are actually a tapered blade. I have done that with my Sherwood 950 coffee as an experiment. I heard you can use a rasp file, I just used sandpaper - and alot of elbow grease.

Its a complicated and delicate procedure to cut the OPS, your goal to to cut off as little as possible - its all detailed in the above thread "cutting OPS"

If all else fails just cut until you get the 14mm X 26mm and you can always stick a giant 6 inch plug at the top - if it gets to short.

Believe me there is no "hockey high" greater than converting an OPS to a tapered stick.

OK maybe winning the Stanley cup LOL - Or going top shelf, but its a nice feeling.

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there is a thread about "cutting OPS" and I think its 5 pages or so, its gets real good on the 3rd and 4th page. Even has a mathimatical formula to know where to cut assuming constant wall thickness.

essestiall your OPS will become a tapered shaft which is 14mm X 26mm, it will ruin the kickpoint if you flip it to become standard. So your only hope for you to fit the Vector 4.0 standard blades would be to sand the tenon down so they are actually a tapered blade. I have done that with my Sherwood 950 coffee as an experiment. I heard you can use a rasp file, I just used sandpaper - and alot of elbow grease.

Its a complicated and delicate procedure to cut the OPS, your goal to to cut off as little as possible - its all detailed in the above thread "cutting OPS"

If all else fails just cut until you get the 14mm X 26mm and you can always stick a giant 6 inch plug at the top - if it gets to short.

Believe me there is no "hockey high" greater than converting an OPS to a tapered stick.

OK maybe winning the Stanley cup LOL - Or going top shelf, but its a nice feeling.


thanks VERY much man....i'll have to give it a shot...i'll take a look at that thread you mention again and read into the those pages to see exactly where i should cut....

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