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inline and ice skate the same?

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Just wondering, seems like the new Tour Carbon inline/ice skate look identical except for the chassis.

I've seen some other brands that have ice/inline skates that also LOOK suspiciously similar. Are they exactly the same?

The reason I'm asking is i'm looking for a robust, durable ice skate to convert to inline with a sprung chassis and back to the original chassis in winter (is switching back and forth bad?)

And I figure if their ice skate is the same as their inline skate, it must be pretty dam durable.

If they are not durable could u guys kindly suggest good brands ( i know i gotta find the ones that fit best) and models that can take a beating like a fall on a blacktop surface and not fall apart or suffer severe road rash!

I guess the toe cap would be an issue as traditional skates probably would not live very long on outside surfaces if i was to ever fall.

Input would be greatly appreciated, i figure it would be cheaper just to get a great ice skate and convert it back and forth instead of buying 2 skates one for inline and one for ice.

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Tour Ice/Inline skates are the same boot, other company's are not (I know RBKs from recent years look similar). Bottom line is nothing is going to withstand alot of scraping from asphalt.

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Tour Ice/Inline skates are the same boot, other company's are not (I know RBKs from recent years look similar). Bottom line is nothing is going to withstand alot of scraping from asphalt.

K scrapes i can live with, I get the feeling this is a bad idea then. I suppose all those people converting their ice to inline don't convert back eh :(

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I use a RBK 8K ice boot on a the A6 sprungs myself. I play with that indoors, and use a RBK 6k Inline boot outdoors.

Talking about boots, typically ice is more comfortable and stiffer then most inline boots. I used to skate in that 6k Inline boot, but i'm much, much happer with this new setup.

Like DCott said, skates eventually wear out outdoors regardless of what setup you have.

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On avg most Ice boots are stiffer then their inline counterparts. They also (on avg again) contain a little more tongue protection.

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I just got my own new ice hockey skates. They're Mission 95 XP's and as compared to my 08' Soldiers (Inline, the new and improved Syndicate boot design) there are similarities and differences. The ice skates are lighter, stiffer and seem to offer more support and protection. I just skated in the Fuel 95's for the first time the other day and was surprised that I had no comfort issues at all, hope I didn't just jinx myself.

I presume this is why some people only use ice boots converted for roller. I'm betting you'll end up spending as much money, if not more, by converting, so it's a matter of preference.

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id say your better off spending the dough and getting two pair of decent skates. Too much of a hassle to keep switching back and forth, especially if you play both during the week. You get two pair they'll last longer than using one pair for both ice/inline.

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