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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Comparison

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I am going to be buying new skates soon and I had a few questions. I am currently in bad fitting Vector 10.0s, and after trying some skates on, I am considering Graf g35 or g5 Ultras or Nike Flexlite 18s.

1. How do the G35s compare to the G5?

2. If I cant get used to the Cobras, how hard is it to put E-pros on Grafs (any drilling)?

3. How do the Grafs (g35 or g5) compare to the Flexlites?

4. How do the Flexlites compare to the Supreme line? (My LHS didnt have any Supremes in my size which is why I ask)

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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I am going to be buying new skates soon and I had a few questions. I am currently in bad fitting Vectors, and after trying some skates on, I am considering Graf g35 or g5 Ultras or Nike Flexlite 18s.

1. How do the G35s compare to the G5?

2. If I cant get used to the Cobras, how hard is it to put E-pros on Grafs (any drilling)?

3. How do the Grafs (g35 or g5) compare to the Flexlites?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

The G35 is the hybrid of g5/g3 offering a narrow ankle while having a wide forefoot. If you can't get use to the cobras and want to swap it you will need to drill new holes or widen the holes for other holders. The flexlite aren't a bad skate either. THey have a big toe cap and, are very wide even in a D width

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the heel will be alot tighter int he g35 and g5 than in the flexlite. also the flexlite is a significantly higher cut boot than the grafs. the grafs are going to be alot stiffer as well. id say that if the grafs fit you well, you would likely be swimming in the flexlite, even in the wide graf fits. if the volume is ok in the grafs the flexlite will be far too deep, in my opinion.

tell us what you decide to go with

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While you may find that one of the Ultra G5 or G35 fits you better (the difference, as others have said, will be mostly in the heel), if either one fits you the Flexlite absolutely will not. If, however, you don't have enough depth in those Graf models (cf: The Pencil Test), the Flexlites make a good comparison with the Ultra G70's, both of which are deeper and wider with a relatively narrow and pronounced heel.

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