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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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supra g3 stretching

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is it a bad idea to stretch my new skates ?

8.5 and i'd like a little more room.

everything fits like a dream except for toes hurt a little.

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How many times have you skated in them? I assume you had them baked at least once?

Personally I like to skate a few times, and each time certain pains and hot spots go away through natural breaking in. After a few times if you still have pains - Have them punched or stretched.

Its not a "bad idea" perse, unless you stretch them too much - thats why I say, skate a few times and see what happens.

When you say "toes hurt a little" what do you mean by that? does the tip of your big toe come out of the skate kind of flat because its been pressing against the toe cap? Do you get blisters?

If everything fits like a dream, expect toes - Well your on the road to glory already! LOL

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Yes, i'm way too excited that these feel great that If i stretch them i'll mess them up in some sort.

a. the pain is only in the toes because they curl a little

b. I guess I could wait a few more skates

and for the record no bake.

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just try and wait a little longer foryour foot to set fully back into the heel pocket. should give you enough room

or get the heat fit done and it will sit further back immediately

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yeah loving the heel on these skates. finally! no lifting of my heel when i'm skating.

I'll look into baking them if anything doesn't change over the next week

Thanks guys.

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