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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Aussie Joe

TUUK ad, c. 1980

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Thanks for the background info. (and the nostalgia). Looking at the images, all of the skates I wore from 1980 - 1986 were either CCM SuperTacks with Tuuks, or Bauer Supremes with ICM's

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naslund has worn them a long time, but i dont know if he´s still using them. i´ve always worn tuuks, and since the most hockeystores in my region are runned by complete idiots it was not the easiest thing to get them mounted. i skatet in tacks a long time and they always came with slm holders, so i had a friend who wents to the okanagan hockey scool over summer a few years and i gave him money to bring me tacks with tuuk holders every summer for a period of 4-5 years, not easy when you live in an almost non-hockey country... oh yes it was in the mid 90´s so i guess internet has made things much easier :D

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Found this old ad for sale on Ebay, great reminder of 1980's hockey frames.

I've got a pair of those Tuuks! Took them off my old Daousts. Jeez that was a few seasons ago....like 25. Maybe I'll take em to the shop and stick em on the 301's I saved for posterity.

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