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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wood PM9 blade?

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Ok, I've been to 3 LHS, countless web stores (most of em not willing to ship to Canada), looking for these blades.

Does anyone know an online store, that ships to Canada, that has the wooden PM9 (Malkin) blade for standard shafts? I don't really care about the weight (one40 vs. one60 vs. etc.).


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Supreme One50 Wood Blade

Supreme One80 Wood Blade

I have a left handed PM9, however my wood blade says One90, not One80 like most I've seen online.

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Supreme One50 Wood Blade

Supreme One80 Wood Blade


Taken off their site: "Some manufacturer policies, like Nike Bauer, CCM, Reebok and Easton, do not allow us to ship outside of the US. Otherwise, we can ship practically anywhere you want."

I have a left handed PM9, however my wood blade says One90, not One80 like most I've seen online.

Looking for a RH, thanks anyways.

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im lookin for right hand composite pm9 blades as well... tapered and non tapered. tough to get a hold of one, especially since all American NBH retailers do not ship to Canada.

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