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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate questions

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i am getting one of these types of skates tommorow or the day after and i wanna know your thoughts on them both i tried the search and it didnt help.

the skates are bauer 8090(id be spending 499$ can.) or the graf 735s w/ t blades(399$ can.) any help would be appreciated. :)

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Depends on ice conditions, how much force you use when pushing off/stopping, locker room floors, stepping on sticks, etc...

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I would also have to second the 8090s and that is not b/c of the brand but b/c I can't stand T-Blades. A player on another team had them last night and every time he would go to push off you could hear the cheap plastic creaking due to stress. I thought they were going to snap at any moment. I should have shot the puck at them to see if I could get them to shatter. Now I am going to keep hearing that creaking in my sleep. They were that horrible.

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I would also have to second the 8090s and that is not b/c of the brand but b/c I can't stand T-Blades. A player on another team had them last night and every time he would go to push off you could hear the cheap plastic creaking due to stress. I thought they were going to snap at any moment. I should have shot the puck at them to see if I could get them to shatter. Now I am going to keep hearing that creaking in my sleep. They were that horrible.

Haha I have to agree with you on the t-blades. One of my friends has a pair, and I can't stand it, everytime Im on the ice with him you can hear where ever he is. And they do break pretty easy. I have seen him break 2 blades and both of them just shattered into a lot of tiny pieces.

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I would also have to second the 8090s and that is not b/c of the brand but b/c I can't stand T-Blades.  A player on another team had them last night and every time he would go to push off you could hear the cheap plastic creaking due to stress.  I thought they were going to snap at any moment.  I should have shot the puck at them to see if I could get them to shatter. Now I am going to keep hearing that creaking in my sleep. They were that horrible.

Haha I have to agree with you on the t-blades. One of my friends has a pair, and I can't stand it, everytime Im on the ice with him you can hear where ever he is. And they do break pretty easy. I have seen him break 2 blades and both of them just shattered into a lot of tiny pieces.

I actually like the sound, maybe I'm weird, but it sounds nice, like a clean-cut stride. :)

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I would also have to second the 8090s and that is not b/c of the brand but b/c I can't stand T-Blades.  A player on another team had them last night and every time he would go to push off you could hear the cheap plastic creaking due to stress.  I thought they were going to snap at any moment.  I should have shot the puck at them to see if I could get them to shatter. Now I am going to keep hearing that creaking in my sleep. They were that horrible.

Haha I have to agree with you on the t-blades. One of my friends has a pair, and I can't stand it, everytime Im on the ice with him you can hear where ever he is. And they do break pretty easy. I have seen him break 2 blades and both of them just shattered into a lot of tiny pieces.

I actually like the sound, maybe I'm weird, but it sounds nice, like a clean-cut stride. :)

No offense, but I would rather hear the clean sounds of blades carving in to the ice than to hear whining plastic creak like an old rusty door about to collapse:)

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