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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Spray Painting

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I would advise not to spray paint the stick. I mean I spray paint the bottom of my stick at the blade and a little up the shaft but the paint never touches my palms.

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I have two easton synergy's where i spray painted the shaft white. make sure you use a top quality spray paint... none of the $1.00 cans at a dollar store or something like that. anything from a home depot from the top shelf would be good hahaha. but yeah I haven't had any paint transfering to my gloves... just give it a good time to propperly dry and settle, I also spray painted my blades black just because to me it looks better, and the same goes for that as well.

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It should not affect the palms of your gloves, I have been spraypainting my sticks top to bottom for years now.

Applying a clear coat over the spraypaint should reduce chipping.

Contrary to what the the poster above me said, I find that the $3 spraypaint and clear coat from Canadian Tire works the best, and it is inexpensive.

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