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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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thinking of changing holders on my graf 735

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i have no problem with the stock cobra holders and i skate really good on them. but im wondering if i would like the performce on light speeds. is it a tottaly diffrent feel? and is it worth trying?

Well I myself am opposite of you. I am now in my first pair of graf's and find the Cobra holders to be great. I love them. The Lightspeed 2's have a reputation of loosing edges quickly and the holder bending. Also the lightspeeds are more of a heel pitch as opposed to front pitch cobra's.

In my state of mind right now

Cobra > Lightspeed

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I didn't like the cobras so I put custom+ on my grafs. It was a little too heel so I had them profiled forward and now I'm in heaven. But if you like the Cobra I'd stick with 'em. I might be talking outta my ass but I think the only "performance" difference might be a slight savings on weight.

If it ain't broke...

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i have no problem with the stock cobra holders and i skate really good on them. but im wondering if i would like the performce on light speeds. is it a tottaly diffrent feel? and is it worth trying?

What other holders have you used prior to the Cobra?

If you have been on Cobra's forever there is no reason to change. You're not going to notice a performance benefit between the Cobra/LS2/E-Pro/Pitch. Most people switch holders based on their level of comfort. Having worn Bauer for years I always skated on Tuuk holders. When I switched to Graf the Cobra's didn't feel right (I gave them ample opportunity) so I switched to what I was comfortable with, Tuuk. If you really want to switch, try someone's skates and see how the holders feel before you spend the money to replace your Cobra's.

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I agree with NTKT10. Its all about what your comfortable with and have used in the past. If you had been skating on Tuuk your whole life and didnt like the switch to Cobras I'd say throw some new Tuuks on there...

Cobras dont have a reputation as being one of the best holders but if you like them theres no need to fix something that isnt broke..

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hey guys thanks for the replies..

i have skated on tuuks my whole life prior to switching to graf 4 years ago. so i def know what they feel like. but i have been running into new problems lately with the 735 they dont stay stiff after a 10 mins of hard practice. and i have to tie them extra tight that my feet start hurting. i recently got a blister on my left lower ankle. theese skates were good when i first got them a year ago. im assuming the skates have worn out.

im not a big fan of changing skates because im soo used to what i have. i remember at one point when i got theese skates after a couple tries i was missing my old grafs till i finally broke into theese ones.

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