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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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UEFA Champions League Semis

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Ahh right. theres the odd song that fans sing which is abit of a piss take of 'You'll never walk alone', mainly sung to scousers in general though, not just Liverpool fans

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I love hearing you'll never walk alone at park head. USed to get over regularly when my brother lived in scotland.

Liverpool and the bhoys are the two teams who use it, and I have been fans of both for 25+ years. I love it. Gives me goosebumps every time I'm in the stands.

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I think the other teams wished they had fans that were that vocal in support. I was at an Aussie Rules Football game over the weekend... I couldnt understand how the crowd was so, so.... well behaved? No explicit words were said at ALL. What kind of game is that???

I was hoping to get to a biz conference later in the year in Spain, then fly over to the UK and watch a Liverpool game... boss heard about my plans and canned it straight from the start. Dammit.

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