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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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mod/conversion question.

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okay so i'm looking to buy a new set of skates for ice.. and my old skates are Nike Air Accel Elites (Fedorov) from wayyyyyy back in the 90s. i got them from a family friend and have been using them ever since. they're in pretty decent condition.

i also have an old pair of mission proto SV that i've been using for roller for a while.


had both pairs since HS.. i was just wondering though, i don't wanna put the nikes to rest, as much as people hate them, i love them and they're comfy to me, even though they're a bit heavy.

question is: can i put the holder from my old mission skates (they're a mission violator hi low 80/72) onto my Nikes? would they fit?

thanks for the responses, ahead of time!

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It should work...

The only way you're going to know for sure is if you actually place the frame on the boot. You're sorta taking a gamble on those Violater frames though; almost every single Mission chassis from that generation seated differently. I'd bet that the Violaters would fit, but you really won't know until you try.

As far as wheel clearance and all that, a Hi-lo works on virtually any boot.

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