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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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shaft/blade combo

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my favorite shaft/blade combo would have to be the one I'm still using now my L-2 (85 flex) with my Tkachuk R2 composite blade.

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A standard Mission Flyweight with Mission comp ether blade. I forgot how much I loved that stick until I tried it again yesterday, It's way lighter than my 1100 XV combo and the kick is awesome.

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R2 XN10 with Synth. blade, Intermediate. Fires rockets for sure

Synthesis Grip with Synthesis blade.

Most likely a RL XN10 in the next couple of weeks, or an 1100.

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R2 XN10 with Synth. blade, Intermediate. Fires rockets for sure

Synthesis Grip with Synthesis blade.

Most likely a RL XN10 in the next couple of weeks, or an 1100.

Mines a int. also. How does the Synthesis Grip compare with the R2 XN10?

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It's a good stick, but it's not close to the XN10. I think i might even like my R2 more than I like my SL...but not sure. And I thought nothing could top my SL

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