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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stupid Drivers

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So as my mom and dad were pulling out of the parking garage at LSU-HSC this afternoon, some idiot New Orleans driver ran a stop sign and broadsided them on my mom's side of the car. Thankfully she hit the wheel instead of the door, or my mom would have been in some trouble. As it is, they're both okay, but kind of shaken up. Anybody else had any experiences with any bad drivers lately? For some reason it seems like there's a much higher concentration of them down south than anywhere else I've lived..

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I thought Alabama drivers stunk until I got to LA. I've been all over the US in my car too but the highways here are friggin' cut-throat and I've seen about a dozen near fatalities in the 4 weeks I've been here. It's crazy. I think they really need to bring back the whole freeway shooting thing to thin out the herd some.

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Pennsylvania has the worst roads in the country, several years running now, and the second oldest population. If that isn't a prescription for danger, I don't know what is.

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I've found Niagra Falls to be the worst City to drive in. Way too much traffic, not enough space. Michigan was fun once I figured out what the hell a Michigan turn was and how it was the only way to turn left in detroit.

I got in accident about a year ago. I was looking around an illegally parked Truck, and I stopped and inched forward I saw a Motorcycle coming to I stopped.....still on my side trying to make a turn, but behind the line. The motorcycle got scared and the idiot lifted his hands off his bike. so he lost control and his bike slide out sideways and hit my car. Nothing a little elbow grease couldn't fix..... then my own insurance company tried to sue me :(

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