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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Supreme 30 vs. XXV shoulder pads?

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I was looking at these two shoulder pads, and really focusing on abdominal protection and clavical/throat protection as two of the more important features I was looking for. My concern is that the XXV's are more advanced for what level I'll be playing at, but I'm also concerned that the Supreme's don't really provide a lot of protection around the neck. My LHS is worthless, and doesn't carry jack, so I'll be ordering from the web.

Anyone own either one of these? Thoughts/recommendations?

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One thing I would never cut short on is protective equipment. I don't really see equipment as beeing to advanced for anybody. I would go with the XXV. With better equipment you'll have better confidence battling for the puck.

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You really have to try everything on because different pads fit differently. Once you find pads that fit, you have to decide if you want something more protective or more mobile (cooler on ice). I don't think there's any such thing as equipment too advanced for any level; if anything, beginners need more padding since they fall more and other players have less control.

Get the most protective equipment you can afford that fits you comfortably.

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For Icehockey where the XXV better, they where light and you have a nice protection for a nice price.The Supreme where good for Inlinehockey but not for Icehockey.

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