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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vanguard: Aluminum vs Magnesium

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for the extra $80-100 is it worth it to step up to the magnesium set up? whats the major difference in the two, weight, durability? what would you recommend for a big guy (6'4" 240)? thanks, any answers, comments are appreciated.

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Magnesium is lighter, and supposed to be stronger and less likely to get bent from an errent slapshot or the like.

Plus if you're on your way to a tournament somewhere and your plane crashes in the mountains, you can use the magnesium chassis to start a fire, where your aluminum chassis would be useless.

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i would buy the aluminium.I am drive the magnesium chassi an this break in after 4 weeks.

Make drunk posts often, buddy?

Magnesium is stronger and lighter than aluminum, but more brittle. I think that's why they have magnesium alloy chassis as opposed to straight magnesium.

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Exactly...The chassis are a Mag alloy. They are definitely a lot stronger than traditional aluminum chassis. They weigh approx. 50g lighter per chassis.

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I'm pretty sure almost this exact topic was brought up 2 or 3 months ago.... search round a bit and you'll probebly find your answer.

Most people from what I have seen won't justify the price difference between aluminium and magnesium, as alot of people dont notice the difference in weight which is the main thing that sets them apart.

Duribility, I am unsure of, magnesium frames tend not to bend out of shape, they will just crack, although be the time they get to that stage aluminium frames will be bent right out of shape.

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One of my friends who works with metal on a daily basis, says water is corrosive to magnesium.

So if you play outdoors alu would actually be a better choice.

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