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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Recovery after playing

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I play about 4 times a week (roller). I noticed some members play 5-6 times a week. I've been playing for about 4 years and am 40 years old. To those who play almost everyday, what do you do to recover? If I play everyday I notice my body starts to "break down". I am pretty tired after playing but I have problems falling asleep, unless I go to sleep 2 hours later. Is this normal? Also, I have no problem sleeping ten hours after playing (luckily I own my own business so it's ok). I would love to play everyday. Do I need to get into better shape? Am I just too old now? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Oh yeah I stretch before and after I play.

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The most important thing that you mentioned in there is your stretching. I stretch generally for 20-30 mins before my game, about 15 immediately after my game, and then make it a point to relax at home and stretch some more in front of the tv. That is your biggest key to recovery. Aside from that, make sure that your protein intake is sufficient. A lot of soreness and muscular exhaustion can be helped by proper amounts of protein. I take a GNC Mega Whey protein shake in the mornings as my breakfast, and generally one with dinner also. May not be that magic bullet for you, but additional protein never hurts....unless your significant other especially has displeasure for excess protein farts. Whew!! B)

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The most important thing that you mentioned in there is your stretching. I stretch generally for 20-30 mins before my game, about 15 immediately after my game, and then make it a point to relax at home and stretch some more in front of the tv. That is your biggest key to recovery. Aside from that, make sure that your protein intake is sufficient. A lot of soreness and muscular exhaustion can be helped by proper amounts of protein. I take a GNC Mega Whey protein shake in the mornings as my breakfast, and generally one with dinner also. May not be that magic bullet for you, but additional protein never hurts....unless your significant other especially has displeasure for excess protein farts. Whew!! B)

I'll second the stretching and protein recovery idea. I'll do some light stretches after the game (no more than 5 min) before I get in the car for the ride home. Hit up a myoplex or met-rx bar with at least 20oz of water in the car. At home it's 3 motrin, glucosamine/chondritin and my prescription capsaicin creme. then a little more stretching in front of the TV before bed. Breakfast is usually an omelette (1yolk-3 whites,w/spinach, turkey, and jack cheese).

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also remember that those guys playing six nights a week may be younger and/or not recovering as well or as fast as you may think, or they lead you to believe. While Stretching and diet are important no doubt, there is no amount of stretching or diet that is going to take the place of downtime. Your body, especially at 40, needs time to recover with non-activity. This is also true of working out in general...you shouldnt be working out 6 days in a row....you arent giving your body enough time to recover. Doing six days in a row for an extended period of time and you are just asking for a breakdown, severe fatigue, or worse....injury. Look for some balance, it is healthy.

I play 2, 3, or 4 nights a week depending on schedule, and try to get in the gym to mix things up. Just my 2 cents.

Also, after a late game, and I get home at 12:30 am.....a little cheeba helps you go to sleep. ;)

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the best thing for muscle recovery is a protein and carb drink. being as you are an adult i can actually recommend products.

some good ones are replenish, torrent, 2:1:1 recovery, or you could just buy some vanilla whey and buy some gatorade powder and mix the two post game. i do something similar.

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