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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Spezza equivalent curve?

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I know this is going to seem rather unhelpful, however it is the closest I have found to a clone...the old Mission Ribiero is almost identical, but has a square toe and a slightly higher lie. It is also discontinued, which is a bummer. I share your love for the Spezza curve. Fortunately, Sherwood still makes them and you could probably get your LHS to order you some sticks or blades (no sale though).

Disclaimer: All of the above statements are pertaining to the Spezza curve on compostite blades and sticks...the wood version varies slightly, and is more like a heel wedge rather than a heel curve with a gradual curve.

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Disclaimer: All of the above statements are pertaining to the Spezza curve on compostite blades and sticks...the wood version varies slightly, and is more like a heel wedge rather than a heel curve with a gradual curve.

Good disclaimer, did not know that.

I am using the SWD 5030 Speeza wood stick, this is the stick that made me fall in love with this curve. It is hard to find these stick. But, I am open to composite too.

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the prior yr's Spezza wood that I had used for a looong time were a gentle heel, slightly open. I find Mission's Ribeiro is close to those woods I was using, Warrior Weight is what I use now and it's not too far off, but a little different. Sande's pattern 22 (listed as Forsbeg like) is also close as it is a little open compared to Easton/RBK Modo/Foppa patterns.

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A NBH Forsberg should be close although slightly less open. I personally use SWD Spezza in my RM9 OPS and in my Z-Bubble shafts (RM9 blades) and love the pattern. You should be able to find them pretty easy also. Try ebay.

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Just tried the 5030 Spezza out for the first time Thursday night and scored my first hat trick :D . Too bad you don't live in Cincy. My LHS has about 20 of them (5030s).

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Just tried the 5030 Spezza out for the first time Thursday night and scored my first hat trick :D . Too bad you don't live in Cincy. My LHS has about 20 of them (5030s).

Sweet, I wish I had the same luck as you.

I was looking through ebay and noticed that Mission Elias curve is very similar to Speeza, except for LIE. Can someone with real experience confirm?

Elias Ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/New-Mission-one-piece-...1742.m153.l1262

Speeza Curve:



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i think the elias curve is similar to a forsberg/modano, much less open than the spezza...ribiero is the closest from mission, as stated earlier.

BTW, got your PM, i understand...good luck.

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