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Minor leaguer traded for 10 baseball bats

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The manager had nothing to do with it. If you want to find the person responsible, look no farther than the player himself.

I hate to break it to you, but most people who turn do drugs do it in response to something. The manager is not directly responsible and certainly not liable, but his decision did drive the guy to depression and drugs.

I would be pretty damned depressed as well if I was traded for a value of about $750 as a pro athlete.

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The manager had nothing to do with it. If you want to find the person responsible, look no farther than the player himself.

I hate to break it to you, but most people who turn do drugs do it in response to something. The manager is not directly responsible and certainly not liable, but his decision did drive the guy to depression and drugs.

I would be pretty damned depressed as well if I was traded for a value of about $750 as a pro athlete.

Guys get cut or traded every day and very few of them even start down that path. Everything you do in life can be called a response to something, as long as you're looking to put blame on someone else. Blaming other people because someone can't handle what life throws at him is absurd. The manager never gave the guy drugs or suggested that he take them, to the best of my knowledge, so I can't see any reason to blame anyone other than the guy in question.

You're also talking about a guy that played in a low level minor league, the kind of league where everyone has to have an off-season job just to make a living. He wasn't going to make a career out of playing ball.

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The manager had nothing to do with it. If you want to find the person responsible, look no farther than the player himself.

I hate to break it to you, but most people who turn do drugs do it in response to something. The manager is not directly responsible and certainly not liable, but his decision did drive the guy to depression and drugs.

I would be pretty damned depressed as well if I was traded for a value of about $750 as a pro athlete.

Guys get cut or traded every day and very few of them even start down that path. Everything you do in life can be called a response to something, as long as you're looking to put blame on someone else. Blaming other people because someone can't handle what life throws at him is absurd. The manager never gave the guy drugs or suggested that he take them, to the best of my knowledge, so I can't see any reason to blame anyone other than the guy in question.

You're also talking about a guy that played in a low level minor league, the kind of league where everyone has to have an off-season job just to make a living. He wasn't going to make a career out of playing ball.

Being traded for a small amount of equipment does not happen every day. Being cut or traded is fine and yeah, you live with that. It happens pretty often. However, Trading somebody for a bunch of bats isn't hard to take as an insult.

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Insulting? Sure.

Make-you-do-drugs-and-ruin-your-life insulting? Not so much.

Actually, the brain of each individual reacts to public humiliation in a variety of ways, so it is possible that a trade for 10 bats could send him into a drug abusing spiral.

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Insulting? Sure.

Make-you-do-drugs-and-ruin-your-life insulting? Not so much.

Actually, the brain of each individual reacts to public humiliation in a variety of ways, so it is possible that a trade for 10 bats could send him into a drug abusing spiral.

So could going 0 for 3. In the end it was the guy that chose his own path, nobody forced him into anything. As much fun as debating personal responsibility is, this is going absolutely nowhere.

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