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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Metal goal-netting instead of mesh?

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I went to the rink today. Sorry it took so long:


The Goal is just 2" pipe welded into a box, with the chain link attached with metal bands. They've held up very well.

How did you guys put that together? How much would something like this cost?

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I'm not sure who actually put it together. I was told that the parks dept. actually made them. I figure it shouldn't be more than $150 or so in materials for 2 nets.

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I went to the rink today. Sorry it took so long:




The Goal is just 2" pipe welded into a box, with the chain link attached with metal bands. They've held up very well.

Pete, I can't tell you the number of times that I've crashed into that net. I actually have dreams of that net chasing me around the rink. lol

haha, I can imagine someone falling into that.

That net is awesome by the way, makes me think of an idea for NHL STREET if EA would make that video game.

That sucker looks like Death Trap 9. A fall on any corner and it's a big hole in your dead neck. The chain link tops are totally good for sawing trough your arteries under your arms. It'll only take one maiming for it not to be funny. Stupid is more like it.

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We only use the nets for pickup, and most of us aren't playing intense enough to maim ourselves (yes, I know that anything can happen at any time, especially in a game like hockey). Honestly, if someone was going that hard, they'd probably deserve any ijury that came of it. Plenty have gone into the net (and many fo them multiple tims, just ask nyrmetros) and come out unscathed.

That said, all it takes is a bit of grinding of the post ends and a bit neater job attaching the chain link (including sleeving the ends onto metal strips) to make a safer net that's just as durable. The only real difference between this and a regular goal would be the weight.

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We only use the nets for pickup, and most of us aren't playing intense enough to maim ourselves (yes, I know that anything can happen at any time, especially in a game like hockey). Honestly, if someone was going that hard, they'd probably deserve any ijury that came of it. Plenty have gone into the net (and many fo them multiple tims, just ask nyrmetros) and come out unscathed.

That said, all it takes is a bit of grinding of the post ends and a bit neater job attaching the chain link (including sleeving the ends onto metal strips) to make a safer net that's just as durable. The only real difference between this and a regular goal would be the weight.

Yea, I crash into that thing all the time. That hasn't hurt me yet. Got a bigger injury from crashing into the trash can when our beloved goals were in the shoppe getting repaired. If if you skate fast enough and forget to stop, yea that's gonna hurt. But like anything, being aware of your surroundings is key. Sometimes I have to give up on a puck knowing that stopping or turning is more important.

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They make right angle joints for that stuff, and the first goals I ever saw were made with pipe or fence fittings, included rounded corners. Point being, it's as easy to make it more right and safer as it is to try to figure out what to do with pipe ends after it's up. And if it's all screwed together, it's more durable.

While coming around near a reg goal somebody clipped a foot out from behind and as I spun to catch my balance, my adam's apple scrubbed across the side bar with no damage since I was balanced by that point and going upward again. That's what made me think about that fence top. And I only use a shield and no cage. You can cut the fence shorter than the bars.

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