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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Recchi lie?

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Does anyone know the lie of CCM Recchi blade? I get different opinions from different sources. The pattern DB says 5 as does hockey monkey, but hockey giant says 6. That's a pretty big difference. I have had people tell me it looks like a 5.25 or so, based on a comparison of their own sticks.. I realize this topic has been posted before, but that thread got off topic and didn't really come up with a good answer. Did CCM change the specs on it between '06 models and later models? Do any of you LHS guys have an updated spec sheet from CCM? Thanks a bunch.

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I know. I referred to that in my original post. The post from a couple of weeks ago didn't seem to have a definitive answer, just a bunch of "it seems to me..." answers. I appreciate that type of input, it is what makes this board great, but i was wondering if someone had figured out a definitive answer yet. Thanks.

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There's no way it's a 6. Maybe a 5.25, but I compare it to my Coffey 6 lie and it's not even close. Of course, the blade's lie may vary depending on the batch you get.

I've just never gotten one that's higher than a 5 lie.

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