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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM Vector 10- Question about switching blade

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Hi, I have a question and was wondering if someone could help me out. I know someone who has a pair of CCM Vector 10 and recently got a foward profile on them 50-35. Anyways they were done on a machine and the guy put the skates the wrong way so now the profile is reversed so he is more on heals more than on his toes. Can the blade be unscrewed and switched around? Why or why not? (It's the standard ccm holder that comes on it) Or should it just be reprofiled by someone who knows that they are doing? Thanks.

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the mounting pattern won't allow him to install the blades backwards. if both skates were equally screwed, then there's a chance he could keep the steel and profile them back to their regular pitch, THEN to the proper forward setting. of course, his steel will probably be a little too low at that point. if only one was jacked, then i'd bite the bullet and replace both runners, but that's just me.

either way, i'd be beyond pissed and would make sure the idiot never touched my wheels again.

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