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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hilo -> Humm'er -> Vanguard?

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I recently made the transition from the 80 80 72 72 hilo that I have been using for a number of years to the Humm'r straight 80 set up when I bought a pair of Tours. It felt really awkward for the first couple skates and I got more and more comfortable as I continued to use the Humm'r. I am at a point now where I don't think I can get any more used to the Humm'r, but I do not feel as comfortable on the straight 80 set up as I did the hilo. My straight line speed is fine, but I feel less stable/agile in general. I feel like it has affected my shooting as well because I feel off balance often. Overall, it just feels like I am higher up and more on my heels? I don't really like it.

I would have stayed with the 80 80 72 72 set up but I always have issues when I try to come to a stop at full speed. My wheels will just slip out under my completely. This issue went away with the Humm'r I guess because the bigger wheels and stopping surface, but I am wondering if maybe the answer to my problem would be switching to the Vanguard? Would this eliminate the feeling like I am up high on my skates and at the same time allow me to stop just as well as the Humm'r?

With the way the humm'r chassis has the front wheel raised into a divet in the boot's toe, I do not understand why it feels like I am so high off the surface. I worry that using 80 80 76 76 and the front wheel not being raised like the humm'r would end up just feeling the same. My thoughts are kind of jumbled up in this post and I am rambling a bit, so I apologize.

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I have experience with all these chassis, and I have similar experience with the Hilo and Hum'er as you. I loved how agile I could be with Hilo, but experience a lot of slippage when stopping at full speed. I felt the Vanguard was very similar to the Hum'er. You are still more on your heels. I'm not sure if switching to Vanguard will help with your feeling of being high up and on your heels. I believe the DPS of the Tour's help lower the pitch of the skate, so it's quite comparable to that of the Vanguard. However, my experiences may differ from yours. If you have a buddy with a pair of mission, it's best to test them out that way, before investing in new skates.

As for not feeling stable, I felt the frame in which I felt the most stable were the sprungs, which is why I currently use them.

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Why don't you try putting a heel lift under your footbed? That way you will feel more on your toes, like you did with the Hi-Lo set-up.

Another way is to try a footsole that has a slightly thicker heel pad? I know shockdoctors that came with the easton 1200 had a 5mm heel lift built into the pad or something? At least it gives you an idea of the skate before you do lifts.

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I skated on my Cobalts with vanguards last night and it felt great. The vanguards were exactly what I needed.

Good to hear...I like the Vanguards best myself...

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