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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bearing Cleaning?

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Hi all. I have been browsing these forums alot, but never had a question or answer.

A little about myself:

Live in Jersey

Play at center circle in Raway

Cobalt 9.9 w/ Bones Super 6 Swiss

Rink Rat Hot Shot XXX (76a I think)

I currently use Bones Super 6 Swiss bearings and love them. My question or problem is the tedious task of cleaning them! I play outdoors 3 times a week and indoors once a week and I am cleaning my bearings 1-2 times a week! There are a lot of bearing cleaning "machines" out there and I have literally tried them all (except one, which I will get to) and found the Bones brand one to do a good job, but really nothing an old Gatorade bottle and some degreaser won't accomplish. My question is does anyone have a quicker way to clean bearings?! I have even disassembled a dremel to try to make some sort of spinny contraption for bearings to no avail. I have taken apart a Condensate Pump in a lame attempt to make a machine to do this god foresaken task. In my darkest hour I found this http://www.bont.com/shop/product.asp?ItemID=809&Start=0. Is it worth 60 dollars or has anyone come up with a better solution to this awful task.

PS is this isn't allowed then sorry :P

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back when i played roller hockey competitively i used to just take apart the skate and blow out each bearing with a mini air compressor we had like one of those little electric house hold ones you get a sears and then apply some bearing greece and I was good to go.

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That thing looks like a pocket rocket for the ladies! :lol:

In all seriousness: A good blow (sorry.. had to) after each game with a good soak and relube after each week is sufficient. The grease is designed to hold up to a couple games worth of use. If you keep cleaning out grease when you don't need to, then you're just wasting money. A lot of times, it takes a couples skates to get the balls (sorry again) well coated.

I guess it would be analogous to changing the oil in your car every time you took it out.

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