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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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well, Im in the market for a new stick. so heres my dilemma, should I get the mission fuel 07 or the warrior dolomite. I would like to hear any opinions between these two sticks from experience or any suggestions are welcome. thanks in advance for all responses

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dolo without a doubt. have had no problems with mine (i have 4). durablity has been outstanding. should have mentioned mine are shafts with inno blades

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I have to agree 100%. I had a fuel, and using it for inline, it broke after an hour. Not on a shot or a slash, but the middle of the blade on the bottom cracked and the crack continues around the toe and back onto the top of the blade. My dolo, however has served me very very well Dolo for sure.

Also, depending on what curve you're looking for, Mission might not be the best bet. I am a PM9 guy for life, and when I went to the Boyes, it was so close to straight, I couldn't shoot at all. I guess my PP, but Just fyi.

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