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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM Vector 10.0 (2007) Cutting Into My Feet

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Hi All,

I've read a few posts/topics related to Vector 10.0 and pretty much everyone has been positive about the fit of the boot. In fact I haven't read a post where anyone has complained about them.

My first pair of Vector 10.0 skates were sent back after plates inside the boot were digging into my heel so badly that I was getting cut. This wasn't a blister so much as an edge of the plate inside the boot was sharp enough to dig into me.

I have been happy to date with my 2nd pair however they have developed a similar issue in a different place. On the outside of the left boot above the ankle a plate is protruding from the lining of the boot enough to cut into my foot again.

In both cases the edge of the plate was rubbing up against the lining of the boot enough to make a distinct line where the lining was looking like it was wearing or being scratched.

I'm wondering if anyone out there has had similar issues, and wondering if there are any suggestions on resolving this.

Thanks for the great forums!

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First off, are you sure the fit is correct? It may be too big causing excessive rubbing and wearing down the liner, exposing the stiffener.

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