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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tips for a Stripped Screw In helmet

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This is really bugging me as i need to remove the screws in order to put a visor on, its the front screws. I have used pliers in the inside of the helmet where the screw goes into to hold that and tried to unscrew with a screw driver but to no avail. The outside of the screw (the philips part) is pretty much destroyed now. Any help would be much appretiated.

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I see you're from BC. Did you buy your helmet from Cyclone Taylors? I had the same problem with a 6k helmet. I brought it back to them and exchanged it. I had to exchange my helmet twice.

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I use a dremel to cut in a new slot for the screwdriver. You have to cut it in slow and let the screw cool between cuts because if you don't it can heat up so much it will melt the plastic around it. Once you get the new slot, you can fit the screwdriver in there.

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I see you're from BC. Did you buy your helmet from Cyclone Taylors? I had the same problem with a 6k helmet. I brought it back to them and exchanged it. I had to exchange my helmet twice.

Thanks guys, to yakus i didnt get it at cyclone taylors i got it from my lhs on Van island and i dont think they will exchange it as ive had it since they first came out.

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