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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy Elite Question

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I'm shopping for a new stick and like the Synergy Elite but I don't know if i should get it cause the One90 is much cheaper. So I was wondering if the price of the SE is going to drop anytime soon. Please let me know if it is going to be.

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Not until the new SyNergy line stick comes out...which should be what? before the holidays? If you need a new stick now...get a new one, if not, hold out and wait wait wait.


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The SE is very high performance for forwards but lower durability than many similar sticks. A ONE90 will last longer and perform better on slap shots but won't receive passes or stick handle as easily.

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Don't think price will come down. It's still a regular line stick, so it's not going to be on sale much. We got a new shipment of Easton's OPS and they're still priced higher than others (barely cheaper though than last year).

The sticks on cheaper are the SL, old ST and old Stealths. Which is too bad, cuz I loved the Elite but I can't afford it.

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