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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Any major difference in quality between these Tour skates?

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Hi everyone... I'm in need of a new pair of skates for the first time in 8 years. My Tour hi-los have had a great run and I've been very happy with them. So I'd definitely like Tours again, and my max budget is pretty much ~$200. I've found the following and wondered if there was any significant difference between them, or at the very least, if any of these particular models is commonly regarded as the "best" of the bunch (or worst of them, for that matter). :)

Cobalt 590 - $100

Omni 800 - $140

Code Blue - $150

Code Red - $215

Cobalt 8.8 - $215

I'm assuming I can pretty quickly eliminate the Cobalt 590s as lower-quality, less-featured, entry-level skates, but from there, the Omnis and Code Blue were the same price, as were the Code Red and the Cobalt 8.8's, so I wasn't sure if there was any discernible difference between them.

For reference, I've played for 13 years and my skills/experience would probably be intermediate to advanced (I currently play consistently 1-2 times a week in organized men's leagues -- not pro/tournament-level play, save for the occasional local tourney, but it's pretty high-quality hockey and certainly several notches above pick-up rat hockey).

Any help, info, or opinions would be great. Thanks!

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I'm not very familiar with any of those models, but from my own experience I would have to say that with skates it's always better to spend the extra money and buy the better models. Since I don't buy skates all that often, I like to buy knowing that they are good and that they should last. Right now I have the Code Carbons and love them. Still getting used to the Hum'er frame though.

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Thanks for the reply. :) How is the Hum'er 6000 frame different from the Tour 6000 frame?

I think I've pretty much eliminated the Cobalt 590's and Omni 800's.... now I'm just trying to figure out any quality difference between the Code Reds and Cobalt 8.8's (since they're the exact same $215 price but completely different models/lines), and if the differences are worth an upgrade from the $150 Code Blues -- the Tour frame and Labeda frames being one notable difference I can find, if that makes a big difference.

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Just from what I've read from the product descriptions the 8.8's seem to be the better skate. The boot seems to be better, as far as the descriptions listed. The chassis on the code red's and the 8.8's are definitely the difference from them to the code blue's.

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What are the big differences between the Tour chassis and Labeda chassis? I'm sure the Labeda is "better" (as you said, that seems to be one of the major price differences)... I just wondered how worth it it was to upgrade from the Tour to the Labeda chassis.

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