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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Poll shows N.C. residents don't know Hurricanes exist

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I've always had a soft spot in my heart for a Grand Cayman NHL team. Putting a team in the heart of worldwide tax-evasion schemes just makes financial sense. There's oodles of money flying around, and you could sell the cheapie tickets to the local residents as an air-conditioning party with some free sport thrown in.

That seems to be the model the NHL's been using, at any rate - find a city with corporate support and be really, really optimistic about fan growth.

I seriously doubt the corporate support exists in the Maritimes or Prairies, or for an additional Quebec team. I'm sure you could find stupid amounts of corporate support in lame-duck hockey cities like Vegas (that example is pure supposition on my part, but not probably not wrong).

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