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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Elite Hockey Training center

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opened up at the beginning of july, and i must say, im quite impressed. been there four times in the last 2 weeks and i love it. what it is, is wax, artificial ice, and there is one area that helps skating, uphill sprints clocked and everything. then there is stickhandling its just really quite interesting. sorry for the brief description, i dont know how to explain it very well. anybody in the area should definately try it out.


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An interesting gimmick! However, it looks too short in length to be that useful. I think you need to sprint for at least 10 seconds, and preferrably 15-20 seconds, to really work the fast twitch muscles.

I have seen a skating treadmill (Frappier) in operation where you skate uphill, but can go for a longer time period.

Lacking either one, just fill a backpack full of rocks, find a hill, and practice sprinting uphill as fast as you can for 15 seconds at a time.

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opened up at the beginning of july, and i must say, im quite impressed. been there four times in the last 2 weeks and i love it. what it is, is wax, artificial ice, and there is one area that helps skating, uphill sprints clocked and everything. then there is stickhandling its just really quite interesting. sorry for the brief description, i dont know how to explain it very well. anybody in the area should definately try it out.


Did you skate on the synthetic ice - what was it like to skate on?

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it was kinda weird.. like skating on the plastic in front of the doors to get on the ice.. but better. its hard to explain.

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