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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Need New Skates

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Hey all,

so my old vapor XX's (http://www.reidsports.com/images/products/03428449.jpg) just kicked the bucket.... can't complain, 4 years of ACHA D1 hockey and 2 more years of ref'ing/coaching ain't bad.

So a few questions since I've been out of the equipment loop for a while. I want to stick in the Vapor family even though I'm not your typical Vapor client (6'6, 240 stay-at-home D man) but each of the last two pairs vapors I had lasted me atleast a good four + years. I loved these skates and I'm sorry to see them go. Beyond esthetics, have the fit of the vapors changed much? I know nothing beats going out and trying them on, just trying to do some of my preliminary research. And to those who upgraded (or didn't...) think it would be worth just trying to find my skates again or upgrading to the newer line.

I'd love to take advantage of these clear-outs places are having to make room for 08/09 stuff, so any help would be appreciated.

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I just went from Vapor XX's to ONE90s. A huge difference and you'll enjoy the advancement in turning you get. It is an adjustment but, to these skates from XX's. But Im sure it would only be minor. The ONE90's are also on close out, they are well worth the coin atm.

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My early research has me leaning towards the XXVs, but I'll definitely need to hit my LHS for sizing now. My XXs are 12.5s, but who know... maybe I'll be a 12 when I get sized again.

Funny thing is, I found a few pairs of XXs online for $350+!! That's wild! They were that much when they came out (and at that time that was high, haha)

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If they work, why not get them? Then again I upgraded for weight and performance. Im loving the switch from Chev to Subaru WRX. Light, responsive and they take corners like a hot knife through butter.

I was tempted to get another pair of XX's myself, but could never find my size on Ebay. :(

If they work, why not get them? Then again I upgraded for weight and performance. Im loving the switch from Chev to Subaru WRX. Light, responsive and they take corners like a hot knife through butter.

I was tempted to get another pair of XX's myself, but could never find my size on Ebay. :(

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