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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tuuk Vs Cobra... Why TUUK wins

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I've used Cobras and Tuuks. On my last pair of 705s, I skated in the Cobras for around three years, then replaced them with Tuuks which I used for almost a year. When I got my newest pair of 705s, I kept the Cobras on. Is there a difference between the holders? Yes, the Tuuk will hold an edge longer. Is it worth the nearly $100 price tag to swap holders? For a guy like me who isn't overly worried with their skating, the answer is no. If I could swap them for cheaper, I would. I'd be really interested in trying out a PITCH holder, but same with the Tuuks, I wouldn't drop a Benjamin on it.

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I prefer the cobra, havent broken any blades on any of my grafs or bauers. I find the steel stays fairly sharper longer then a tuuk but it also varies from person to person. funny thing is almost all the companies use the same steel manufacturer to make there runners just they might have different settings but I couldnt see that. I know i had the xx's and i hated the lighspeeds so i put on some cobras. I just think the cobra is a more responsive holder

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