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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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These look nice.

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Just a rule of thumb...Alot of people around here get a little upset if you post stuff on ebay that you arent selling...The reason being, someone may have their eye on it and when you post it up for people who may have not found it, it could drive the price up...Just my 2 cents, I know you were trying to help etc, etc....just for your future use...Thanks

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Just a rule of thumb...Alot of people around here get a little upset if you post stuff on ebay that you arent selling...The reason being, someone may have their eye on it and when you post it up for people who may have not found it, it could drive the price up...Just my 2 cents, I know you were trying to help etc, etc....just for your future use...Thanks

That is a very good point, and I apologize that I didnt think about it.

I will fix it right now. Thanks!

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Just a rule of thumb...Alot of people around here get a little upset if you post stuff on ebay that you arent selling...The reason being, someone may have their eye on it and when you post it up for people who may have not found it, it could drive the price up...Just my 2 cents, I know you were trying to help etc, etc....just for your future use...Thanks

So what? There's nothing wrong with posting a link to something unique or hard to find.

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