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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Global-Hockey Jerseys

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Does anybody here know what happened to Terry from Global-Hockey and how I could contact him? I have placed an order from him in May and I am expecting to receive my jersey any time now. I have tried to contact him by e-mail address that he used but it is no longer valid (Global_Hockey@wowway.com) and the website is down also.

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If anybody that cares or is having a similar issue.

I finally got a hold of him via a different e-mail address that he provided me with for payment. Said he is going to send me my money back, but I'm not going to believe it until I see it. Either way case is closed, I counted this as a lost.

This is his e-mail response:

I am sending out refunds as fast as I can

I paid Lutch for the jerseys and they never sent them, leaving me with over $13,000 to pay back customers out of my own pocket

I am paying customers back 1 or 2 at a time, but it will take time to do that, so I ask your patience

If I had no intention of not paying back customers, I would not even have an email address now. I have refunded over $2,000 to date and more refunds will go out this Friday

Like I stated, I am paying this back out of my own pocket so I can’t afford to pay everybody back all at once

You do have an option to file a small claims suit against me, but for $67.00 by the time you came to Michigan at least 2 times, you would be losing money, but that is an option you do have available to you, and I have to offer you that option.

Please be patient, I am sending refunds as fast as I can

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I've read posts on different message boards and remember this guy as being an honest reputable guy. If what he says is true, it's going to take some time.

I know what it feels like to be in that situation, been in it twice and in both times patience paid off.

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FWIW, I've bought a number of jerseys from Terry, including a team order and never had a problem. The first jersey I bought from him, Lutch screwed up my order and sent the wrong jersey and he offered to get me the correct jersey and keep the incorrect one they sent me as a freebie. I found out the money would come out of his pocket despite the fact that it was not his fault and I told him I didn't want him to pay for a mistake that wasn't his, so he just ordered me another jersey I wanted at cost. He was always a stand-up guy when I dealt with him and he has excellent ebay feedback, although now it shows he's not registered. I would tend to give him the benefit of the doubt in this instance, although I'm sure that doesn't help you any.

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One of the guys here in Aus was bitten by the same deal (I think, unless Lutch screwed him directly) either way they make great jerseys and obviously have issues delivering. Maybe try ProJoy or someone else next time.

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Unfortunately money is not the issue here... I was just really looking to one of a kind motherland jersey.

I found a few people that can help me out, but it's going to cost more and they can't replicate the uniqueness that Terry offered.

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Have you tried Russianjerseys.com? It's Lutch's US site, they should be able to get you just about anything Terry could get (albeit, at considerably higher prices)

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