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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

How do you misplace the Stanley Cup?

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THe story about the leaving it on the side of the road goes that they left it, realized what happened, drove back, and it was STILL THERE...

Do that shit in the hood, it'd be melted and on some dude's neck in no time.

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Nigel, I live/work in Prince Rupert during the summer, and am staying here to play hockey this year.

Tired of University, just wanna play and travel.

JR: yes you are right on Clark Gilles, but I believe Bourque did it too.

If that thing could talk...

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So much shame as a northern Britsh Columbia citizen :ph34r:

Haha, where are you from? I'm from Terrace...

Wasn't the other pool story when the Stars were partying with it and dropped it from a big height, intending for the cup to land in water but it ended up missing the pool and landed on the deck? Then they had to pay for the repairing of the dent.

Edit: I'm not sure if it missed the pool and made a dent but I can confirm a Stars player attempting to drop it into a pool:

"The Stanley Cup has probably endured more indignity than any other major professional sports trophy. In 1905, it was kicked into Ottawa's Rideau Canal on a dare. In 1924, it was left on the side of the road after the players carrying it home stopped to fix a flat. In more recent years, it was reportedly dropped from the second story of a house when a Dallas Stars player attempted to throw it into a swimming pool.

One player christened his child in the Cup. It has been taken to the top of a mountain (Fisher Peak, in British Columbia), and has even traveled to Russia and Japan. A team of three Hall of Fame employees travels with the cup to maintain its safety and security."

Nigel- Prince George for me. I guess its just about the geographical center of BC but tis 500 miles north of Vancouver so they think we live out in the booneys. Only passed through Terrace on my way to Kitimat for BC Winter Games, nice town.

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THe story about the leaving it on the side of the road goes that they left it, realized what happened, drove back, and it was STILL THERE...

Do that shit in the hood, it'd be melted and on some dude's neck in no time.

Either that or somebody would make a nice set of spinners out of it :ph34r:

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