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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Symptomology of a shorter runner

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Recently purchased a pair of one75's. I just can't say enough about these skates. I'll post in the one95/one75 thread about my experience. I've always been a CCM guy and this is the first Bauer skate that has fitted my foot well.

However, I'm definitely NOT used to such a short runner. I need more blade underneath me. In addition, I'm more on my heels and need a heel lifts.

Previous E-Pro runners = 271mm (size 7)

Current Tuuk runners = 263mm (size 7.5)

What are my Runner options?

A) switch to a LS 2.1 holder and runner (not sure of runner length in the 2.1's for a 7.5 boot?)

B) or, just switch to a longer runner? I guess the next LS runner is 272mm. Will that fit my holder?

What are my Heel lift options?

JR is no longer here in Michigan. He had a reputation of making his own heel lifts that were good. Who should I order from?

Are these a good choice?


Very much appreciated for the time, help and assistance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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1/8" is 3mm. That may be a little bit too much. 1/16" would put you at a +1, 1/8" would put you at a +3. That being said, those are the NBH lifts and they are the best you can buy.

Do your 75s have the 2.1 steel on there? If so, you're pretty much close to a 271 anyway.

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Thanks JR for such a quick reply.

No. Just the basic LS2 steel.

I know this sounds silly, but I really miss those 8mm of runner. Yes, I can turn quick (never had a problem turning before) but my speed and hard crossover moves just don't feel the same.

I have a chart for LS 2 runner lengths in relation to boot size. However, I DO NOT have a chart for LS 2.1 runner lengths in relation to boot size. Is the LS 2.1 just 3-4 mm more for the same size holder. Or, is it a more drastic jump, say 8-9mm?

Will it take me from my currect 263mm to a 272mm ????

Heel lifts:

If you believe 3mm is a little too aggressive of a lift. I'll ask EW hockey if they have a 2mm.

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