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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vintage/Old Cages- Where to find?

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Looking for an old-school, vintage cage for adult league hockey. You know the ones. Flat-ish with not much wrap around, and semi-cat-eye design.

Not huge protection, but enough for a high stick or puck. Anyone know where to get one of these? Saw one on ebay of a guy selling new ones, but looked like it didnt give hardly ny protection (hole in cage way too big).

Thanks in advance, and I will post in WTB as well.

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Have you considered the Itech FX-50 ? I have the Rebellion cage you mention and a stick blade can definitely fit through the bars.

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Thanks for the info on the rebellion. I have seen guys with old cages similar to those, but stick definitely coudlne get in those, so the rebellion is kind of out.

I have heard the FX 50 is heavy. Is it any heavier than a full cage?

What about the concept II DLX? or the Recon? Is fog, scratches, and heat the problems with full shields?

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Yep, FX-50 is definitely heavier than a regular cage. You might want to try a find a welder who could add a couple of bars to the Rebellion, but at that point you'd be approaching what a regular cage has to offer.

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Yep, FX-50 is definitely heavier than a regular cage. You might want to try a find a welder who could add a couple of bars to the Rebellion, but at that point you'd be approaching what a regular cage has to offer.

FX-50 is heavier but that didn't bother me so much as the fogging.

Maybe it's the warm rinks around here or I'm a knuckle dragging mouth breather, but even using anti-fog between every skate and skating 1-1:30 min shifts, it'll still fog up halfway through the shift.

I got tired of wiping down between shifts and switched to a cage.

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