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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Edge Jerseys: Real Vs. Fake

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For 50 or 60 bucks jerseys off sites like borntrade and others are great. As mentioned, if you want a jersey to wear to the bar, wear to the game, etc. and don't want to feel horrible if you spill some beer or sauce on it. I have a legit Malkin jersey that I wear on occasion to games but most of the time I'll wear the cheaper stuff I have that way I don't want to kill myself if something happens to it.

If you do go that route though atleast try to get something relatively close. Some of the knock offs are really really bad and get lots of snickers.

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hahah I got 2 fakes jerseys in my collection now thanks to that site.. I flipped the jersey inside out and noticed the poor quality stitching but I have to say a really good job at making it look almost like the real thing! One thing my jerseys have is that the collar nhl logo sizing thing looks the same as the real edge jerseys.

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