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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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what decent guitar do you think i can get for around 500-600$ can. i like les pauls ,jacksons ,bc rich or anything else able to play heavy stuff ,right now i have an epi les paul 100 ive had it since i started guitar(about a month ago) and i dont have a tuner so i have to tune the damn thing every day before i play it by tuning the low e string by ear with my sisters keyboard and then do the 5th fret thing for the rest of the strings and that isnt fun ,its reeeally not fun when i change my strings and i have to set them.......im up in my room with the keyboard and guitar for hours setting the strings lol.....anywho ,help if you can :)

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Get an electronic tuner, it will save a lot of time. It's tough to find a decent guitar in that price range, but I'm picky. Look for something that has a solid one piece body, many of them are laminates or glorified plywood.

I've had great luck with these, I used to sell them by the handful back when I worked in a music store/recording studio. I still use the rack mounted version.



This is a decent guitar and should be in your price range.


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I'm sort of in the same boat as you Bruin. I started playing this summer on an old acoustic and am looking for something to buy in the near future. I would find some of the guitar stores in the area and just go browsing before you buy anything. Also, I would look into used stuff. Theres a store in Toronto that has an awesome collection of used vintage stuff that sounds great.

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