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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior Glove Sizing Question

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My son has been wearing a low end RBK glove for the last year. I believe it is 3k or 4k glove. They are 11 inch. The gloves now seem small, and my son agrees that he thinks they are too. He is interested in the Warrior Dolomite. These are not stocked by our LHS, but we were able to try some on while we were on a road trip to Pittsburgh this weekend. I figured that the 12 inch would be the way to go, but this glove looks huge and my son says it feels big. The 11 inch warrior felt good to him, and looks bigger than his RBKs to me, more like a 12 inch RBK. My question is, is the Warrior glove really bigger? I don't want to buy an expensive glove and have him grow out of it in a few months, but I don't want to buy him a glove that is too big either.

Thanks for any thoughts or insight.

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