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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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To Design a Hockey Rink

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Entrances to the ice for the players are nice to be right from the dressing room (Door in the dressing room leads to the rink) If that doesn't work, it's always nice to have a tunnel that you can walk through under the stands/seats right onto your bench. Obviously make sure there are lots of rooms so you can place higher end teams further apart so they don't have to walk near each other, this helps with the beaking and fighting that could occur. Also, like Chadd stated having a Players entrance and parking lot is a great idea, I just saw that in the last rink I visited for a Jr. camp.

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1. Benches on the same side as the locker rooms--so you do not have to cross the ice to get to the bench.

2. Clock in the locker rooms that matches the game clock outside in the rink--games run late and early.

3. Rubber mats everywhere, esp. the bathrooms.

4. Better for the rink to be too cold than too warm.

P.S. I like Olympic sized ice (so do all other players who are strong skaters with no hands).

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