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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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HIIT medium

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I want to do some basic HIIT outside like sprinting>jogging>sprinting>repeat...something to start off with then I can research some more.

My question is if it's better to do this running, or in rollerblades? Some people say that rollerblade stride messes up your ice stride so is this a major concern?

Also if I choose to just run, would running shoes be better for HIIT or would I need more support like a cross-trainer shoe?


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I'm not a trainer and will never be confused as one but I'll give my personal opinion.

1. I'd stay w/running as you'll be training some different muscles that may give you a greater benefit. IMO inlines are a great conditioning tool for ice but if you're worried about your stride, go out and get on the ice and do intervals if possible.

2. Again IMO I'd stay with running shoes for HIIT running/sprinting. I'd stick with trainers if you're doing more dryland work where lateral stability is an issue (i.e. ladder drills, suicides, etc...). I do HIIT on a stationary bike w/running shoes as I'm more inclined to not believe the hype about shoes at my age.

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I've been trying to incorporate sprints and hills into my workouts. Workouts being the few times I get off my ass and do something. I've been using the same running shoes I've had for five years now (spent $100 on some Saucony's because my knees were getting killed running around on regular shoes).

I'd say go for the sprints or do HIIT on a bike. My gut says go with running shoes if you have them, because they will reduce the impact of sprinting on your joints. And I'd also say if you've got a field to run in compared to sidewalks or streets, that's better too.

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Try swimming, or a compound weight exercise for HIIT style training. I did a killer round with just body squats once that hurt for 4 days, if that helps you.

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