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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Squirt (10 yr old) Skates

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So I have a 10 year old in need of new skates. I buy skates that actually fit rather than buying for them to last more than one season. As a result we go through skates about every 6-8 months.

Here is the history of skate purchases:

When 4-7 he wore Mission skates, comfortable to him but they broke down too quickly.

When 8 we bought Grafs and will not do so again. He was fitted by a very good LHS in Minneapolis. The toungue was too narrow and the lace and eyelit cut into his ankle, the skate needed a pad insert to keep him from getting bad blisters. Not an option for an 8 year old I am sure he would have lost them at the outdoor rink or whatever.

We switched to Bauer 70's and he has liked them.

My question surrounds the issue of boot flex. The 70 is quite stiff, he is 5' and weighs 92 pounds. Big for his age and not fat just big and solid. He is a pretty good Player, Plays all year AAA and Top level Minnesota traveling association this year. I would like to find a skate that will work with his stride and physical maturity, I want to buy the right skate as opposed to buying something that is the most expensive. I am often told that some of todays skates are too stiff for younger players.

Can anyone give me their thoughts on this?


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If he's able to get into a good skating position while wearing the skates, they probably aren't too stiff. Put him in the boots and have him walk around for a while, getting into and out of various skating positions. It's really the only way to know for sure how the stiffness will impact him. If he has problems getting decent knee bend or weight transfer, you will most likely have problems.

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My son is almost the same age, height, and weight as your son. He skated the past 2 seasons in One90s, this season he is skating in the One95. This year he jumped up to size 6, which concerned me because they are senior skates. He skates better in the One95 than he did in the One90. I had to get C width, as the One95 is a little wider than the One90. If your son is strong on his skates and skates everyday( we have a rink at the house) I would definitely look at these skates. He skates bare foot and has zero issue with blisters, they fit perfect.

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Build it and they will come. It was only 40x80, but it kept my son and a few friends busy most night we weren't at practice.

Only 40 x 80 ? I'd kill for a backyard that big - I was just able to shoehorn a 10x20 rink in my backyard

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