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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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sore feet

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hi, first of all i must say that i don't play hockey, i wanted to, but it wasn't ment to be, so i decided to learn to ice skate all by myself. bought my first pair of skates, nikebauer flexlite apollo, but i have one big problem with them and i was wondering if you guys have the same issue. after about half an hour of skating i fell pain in my feet, on the outer side. it may be from the fact that the skates are a little wide for my feet, but i don't know for sure. any ideas? is it from the skate, or from my feet which are not used to skating so much?

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yes i tried them on, but here there is not that much demand for ice skates and so there's only one shop that imports from hungary some skates all with the EE width so they can sell them all. the skates felt very good when i bought them, maybe a little bit wide (my next pair is gonna be a D for sure) but other than that, all seemed ok in lenght and feel. i walked around in the house with them before i hit the ice, all ok, it's only after abou 20-30 min of skating i get pain in the outer side of both feet, no problems in the arch, just on the outer side

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