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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My new Battram Pads and Blocker

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Hey guys. I know I don't post much but I wanted to show these off.

I'm still waiting on my custom TPS Summit 7 trapper (purchased at West Side Skate Shop in NYC, TPS told me first week of September, they're 2 days late BOOO haha), but for now, here's the other stuff.



Custom leg channel. Basically, I wanted an open leg channel, butterfly strapping and a single knee block. Battram nailed it perfectly.


The whole family. Red Kohos were John Curry's. He used them during his sophomore year at BU. Black Battrams were bought used, have slide plates and are now used for outdoor roller hockey.

Again, the pads really need to be broken in. Right now, they're stiff and sit a little higher than I'd like. The Kohos are listed at 35" + 1/2", but they measure out a full 38" along the face. They're too big for my 5'4" frame. The Deceptors are 33" +1". They look like they're the same height as the Kohos, but that's because there's a skate cradle that makes them sit about 2" higher on the floor than they actually do when I wear them. These, too, are a little big on me. I'm hoping that as they break in, my Fury pads will sink about 1.5" to 2". We'll see, but even if they don't, I got used to playing in big pads so I don't think it'll be too big a deal.

The one thing that I am disappointed with is that the toe lace is not skate lace, it's the old stuff used for glove pockets, among other things. I didn't know this was going to be used because I had thought that skate lace had become standard. Oh well, no biggie, it's a $5 fix. Other than that, everything is fine.

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Nice pads man! I don't understand why companies still use that thin lace for the toe ties. They rip apart almost immediately. But as you said, it's no biggie. Let us know how they break in. And don't forget to post some pics of you S7 glove when it arrives :)

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