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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Has Easton Fixed the S17 Blade Yet?

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I believe others have had issues with the Easton S17 stick. I've been partial to Easton twigs for a long time now. When I purchased my first S17 I felt it was the best I've ever played with. Three weeks of use resulted in a blade getting limp and lifeless. At first no visible signs of damage just a crunchy noise when you flex the blade. The problem has continued to get worse. The only thing the stick seems good for now is passing. This past week playing pick up the toe of the blade is starting to come off in small chunks!!! I really like the stick at first and before I go out and spend another 2 bills I wanted to know if the blade problem has been fixed. If not, anyone have any suggestions as what would be a good twig to switch too. I like the Easton retail Sakic pattern. Thanks.

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