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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Sizing

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OK, so I just bought my new skates, same size as the Air 90's I have had for the longest time. The problem is that I think they are too small. I seem to remember a rule of thumb from when I was younger. Once you put the skate on, jam your foot all the way forward so that your toes are touching the front and if they fit right, you should be able to get your index and middle finger next to each other in the gap at the heel. Is this still valid?

Will they expand at all when I bake them. When I stand up after lacing them up, I can barely feel the tips of my toes touching.

Thanks guys!

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if you feel your toes just brushing the front of your boot with it laced up, thats perfect

as when you bend your knees your toes will pull away from the toe cap, and for the most part you should be skating with your knees bent

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OK, so I just bought my new skates, same size as the Air 90's I have had for the longest time. The problem is that I think they are too small. I seem to remember a rule of thumb from when I was younger. Once you put the skate on, jam your foot all the way forward so that your toes are touching the front and if they fit right, you should be able to get your index and middle finger next to each other in the gap at the heel. Is this still valid?

Will they expand at all when I bake them. When I stand up after lacing them up, I can barely feel the tips of my toes touching.

Thanks guys!

That rule of thumb is for parents who are cheap and only want to replace skates every couple years. Assuming your foot is done growing, usually by 15 or so, there's no need to have "room to grow". You should just be able to feel the end of the skate with your toes so it sounds like you have the right fit. Most skates will expand a bit and allow your heel to settle in just a bit more when baked as well.

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